Expansion of the “Library of software modules for modelling, control, and optimization of processes and systems” with new features
The library of program modules consists of four parts:
- Modelling of complex technological processes, power systems and machines - Module 1 includes a synchronous generator model and its implementation into a simulation environment (1a); and an extended and numerically optimized hydropower simulator, a module for automatic identification of hydropower parameters (1b).
- Optimal control design for complex processes and distributed parameter systems - Module 2 includes a software tool for the interactive design of constrained structure controllers (2a); and models and algorithms for optimizing the control of furnace technologies, a model for estimating the correction rolling parameters (2b).
- Combinatorial optimization algorithms for planning and scheduling in industry - Module 3a and 3b include scheduling and routing algorithms for time-controlled communication protocols in technical devices that require time-deterministic message transmission. These are mainly large-scale production machines and production lines, transport equipment (cars, airplanes) and, last but not least, large audio/video projections that require precise synchronization of sound sources.
- High-performance and energy-efficient control of industrial electrical drives - Module 4 presents a laboratory-verified algorithm for predictive control of industrial drives, the possibility of its transfer to other applications (automotive technology).